Sweet Bread Toast

Watch complete video making of Sweet Bread Toast

French Toast is a very popular recipe around the world and is also a quick breakfast which requires minimal ingredients that anyone can make. It is a great life saver recipe for students living away from home and newly married couples.

In this recipe I’ve made few changes from the normal french toast we make. Use desi ghee instead of butter to give a nice flavour and finally coat it with desiccated coconut which not only adds taste but also gives a visual temptation to our little fussy eaters.

Sweet Bread Toast


  • 4 Bread Slices
  • 3 Eggs
  • 2
    tbsps Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Milk
  • 2 tsps Ghee
  • 2 tbsps Desiccated coconut


  • In a bowl , break 3 eggs.
  • Then add sugar and milk.
  • Beat the egg mixture well.
  • Heat a pan
  • Add a teaspoon of ghee
  • Dip the bread slices in egg mixture on both sides.
  • Then place it in the pan .
  • Toast the bread on both sides for 2-3 mins low to medium flame.
  • Spread desiccated coconut on a plate.
  • Place the hot toasted bread on the plate and coat both sides with desiccated coconut.
  • Quick and easy breakfast is ready.



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