Category: IC recipes

  • Bottle gourd curry

    Bottle gourd curry

    Step by step method Heat oil in a cooker base and add Cumin seeds Add chopped onions, sliced green chillies, grated ginger, chopped garlic and sauté Add turmeric powder, chilly powder, coriander powder and sauté Add chopped tomato and mix well Add cut pieces of bottle gourd and mix well Add water to cook the…

  • Chicken Nuggets

    Chicken Nuggets

    Take 2 cups of ground chicken Add salt and pepper (as per taste) Mix well Break an egg and beat it thoroughly Take 5 slices of bread and coarsely powder them in a mixer Make shapes with the ground chicken mixture Briefly dip it in the beaten egg and take it out immediately Coat on…

  • Easy Tandoori Chicken at home on Stove (no oven)

    Easy Tandoori Chicken at home on Stove (no oven)

    Step by Step method For Chicken marination Take the whole chicken legs and make slits for the masala Add Salt to taste Add Lemon juice Add Turmeric powder Add Kashmiri chilly powder Add Coriander powder Add Pepper powder Add Cumin powder Add Garam Masala Add Kasuri methi Add thick Curd Mix well Add oil Add…

  • Mysore Pak

    Mysore Pak

    Step by step method Grease a deep tray with Ghee Sieve 1 cup of gram flour Heat half cup of ghee and half cup of oil Take half cup of water & add one and half cups of sugar. Stir continuously to make sugar syrup. Check consistency by taking one drop between two fingers. When…

  • Make Ghee from Butter

    Make Ghee from Butter

    There can be no Indian home with a jar of ghee in their kitchen. Ghee also known as clarified butter is very essential for growing kids. In many Indian homes, kids grow up taking a teaspoon of ghee everyday. It increases mental and physical stamina. In Ayurveda pure ghee is widely used for its medicinal…

  • Sweet Bread Toast

    Sweet Bread Toast

    French Toast is a very popular recipe around the world and is also a quick breakfast which requires minimal ingredients that anyone can make. It is a great life saver recipe for students living away from home and newly married couples. In this recipe I’ve made few changes from the normal french toast we make.…

  • Butter Chicken

    Butter Chicken

    Butter chicken is one of the famous and easy recipes liked by all!

  • Instant Lemon pickle

    Instant Lemon pickle

    lemon pickle

  • Jhalmuri


    Jhalmuri or Masala muri is an Indian street snack from West Bengal , India. It is also very popular in Bangladesh and the Eastern regions of India. Jhal muri or Jhaal muri is a mix of puffed rice, mix of many spice powders, vegetables, chanachur / roasted gram, sev bhujia and finally toss with lemon…